When Might You Benefit From An Investment Broker?

Whether you've only recently begun saving for retirement or have been squirreling away a percentage of your paycheck for years, you may wonder whether you're making the most efficient use of your invested funds. Those nearing retirement may not have the same risk tolerance as those just starting out, and investing in a more aggressive manner than that with which you're comfortable could lead to panicked withdrawals at low points in the market, locking in any investment losses. Do you need an investment broker to help you manage these important funds? Read on to learn more about some of the factors you'll want to consider when deciding whether to enlist a broker now or continue to service your investments on your own. 

What Is Your Investment Timeline? 

The earlier you begin investing, the more time these investments have to generate dividends and compound interest—and the more room you have to recover from any errors or learning experiences along the way. This means that taking a DIY approach to investing or using this time as an opportunity to learn more about beginner investing shouldn't set your future self back. 

However, those who are near retirement or who need to make up for lost investing time have much less room for error, and may find more benefit from the advice and services of an experienced investment broker. By seeking professional advice, you'll be better positioned to weather any ups and downs the market may have before your projected retirement date.  

How Much Time Do You Want To Devote To Investing?

Some investors are able to put their investments on autopilot, arranging automatic contributions and index fund purchase orders to ensure these investments run like a well-oiled machine. However, even investments on autopilot need to be periodically monitored and tracked to ensure you don't make an erroneous buy order or overcontribute to certain limited accounts (like an IRA). 

Those who don't feel comfortable automating these investments may need to take a much more hands-on approach, making purchase orders and rebalancing assets on a weekly, monthly, or semiannually basis.

If you'd rather minimize the amount of time you need to devote to managing or balancing your investments, a broker can help. By providing a broker with some information (including your risk tolerance, desired income in retirement, and projected retirement age), you'll ensure that he or she is operating with a full picture of your financial future. 
