Things To Know Concerning Lost Instrument Bonds For Financial Professionals

Individuals that work in finance will have a tremendous responsibility to their clients and employers. Unfortunately, losing documents in this profession can be a serious problem as it can expose you to high fees and potential liabilities. There are lost instrument bonds that can be purchased and commercial lost instrument bond services to help protect you from this professional risk.

Is It Worth The Cost To Purchase A Commercial Lost Instrument Bond?

Some individuals may assume that there will be no serious consequences for failing to have this type of bond. In addition to the liabilities that can arise from losing important financial instruments for your clients, you may also face professional repercussions as this type of bonding can be a requirement for licensing.

How Expensive Will A Lost Instrument Bond Be To Purchase?

The costs of a lost instrument bond will vary, but there are some factors that are almost always considered. The value of the items will be one of the most important deciding factors as this can be closely related to the costs and difficulties of replacing the financial instrument. Also, the number of years of experience along with the professional record of the bond buyer will often be reviewed.

What Costs Are Covered By The Lost Instrument Bond?

It can be easy to assume that the bond will pay for the full price of the instrument. However, this is not the case as the bond only pays for the costs of having a new copy of the financial instrument issued. For example, if a share of stock is lost, there can be many fees associated with having a replacement share issued to the owner. When you are evaluating the potential bonds that you can choose, it is important to be aware of the local professional requirements for your position. Otherwise, you may choose a bond that provides insufficient coverage, which could result in you breaching this requirement of your profession.

Do Lost Instrument Bonds Work The Same Way As Standard Insurance Policies?

Many people assume that a bond functions almost identically to a normal insurance policy. However, there is an important difference. Bondholders are typically required to repay any settlements that the bond issuer had to pay. While it may seem like there is no reason for this type of protection, it is required as a way of protecting clients from some of the costs of these mistakes. Claims against the bond can also result in higher fees in the future for having new bonds issued.
